Nano sensorics participate in the Leap24 exibition, Saudi Arabia

Nano sensorics participate in the Leap24 exhibition Riyadh Exhibition and Convention Center, Malham, Saudi Arabia

Meet with us to enable the transformation of  your industrial, municipal asset!


Convert your asset into a secure, sustainable with the cutting-edge smart LoraWAN IoT Sensors!

Our sensors enables significant positive impact to the health and energy saving, security:

✅ PowerSense-L is a electricity submeter measurement for the electricity consumption measurement, up to 1600 A;
✅ Vapeless- complex vape gas detection sensor and many more;
✅ Ampsense-measurement of electrical consumption anomalies, to 1000 A;
✅ Carbonless- Co2 and t+h sensor;
✅ Vocless – VOC harmful particles t+h sensor;
✅ Temphu – t+h sensor;
✅ BRIDGE AI.- complex infrastructure bridge health measurement sensor.

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