Posts Tagged "cybersecurity"


UAB “Nano Sensorics” has developed a next-generation 5G high-precision sensor for monitoring Vaping gas mix from electronic cigarettes.

by Povilas

The Progress of 5G Sensors is Here!

The era of modern technologies has brought numerous innovations but also new challenges. Vaping, IQOS use, and smoking have become not only health issues but also challenges for ensuring safe environments in schools, offices, and public spaces.

UAB Nano Sensorics has taken on the challenge of creating a next-generation sensor capable of detecting not only all types of e-cigarette usage, IQOS consumption, and traditional cigarette smoking but also identifying acts of violence and aggression using the latest 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced algorithm technologies. Moreover, we aimed to develop an exceptionally cyber-secure sensor, manufactured in Western countries, to ensure user cybersecurity during these geopolitically turbulent times, as undemocratic nations pose increasing cyber and other threats to Western civilization.

We are excited to announce that UAB Nano Sensorics has achieved its goal—developing the Vapeless 5G sensor, which not only detects vaping, IQOS usage, and drug-related smoking but also identifies aggression and violence. It is fully cyber-secure, features automatic calibration, and is manufactured in Lithuania (European Union).

In collaboration with the European Union and as part of an EU project, we have developed this sensor and initiated its serial production.

Vapeless 5G: A New Generation Cyber-Secure 5G Sensor

The Vapeless 5G is designed to detect any form of vaping, IQOS usage, or smoking. More than just a detection system, it is a smart solution revolutionizing safety.

Why is Vapeless 5G an Indispensable Solution?

  1. Beyond Vaping: Detecting Aggression and Violence This advanced technology goes further—Vapeless 5G can identify acts of aggression and violence. This is particularly relevant in schools, hotels, transport vehicles, or any other places where safety is a priority.
  2. Automatic Calibration Forget complex manual calibration. Vapeless 5G features an automatic calibration system, ensuring optimal performance under all conditions.
  3. The Power of 5G Connectivity The device operates using 5G connectivity, enabling ultra-fast data transfer and real-time monitoring. This is crucial when immediate response is required.

Where Can Vapeless 5G Be Used?

  • Schools and Universities: Ensuring a safe environment for students while addressing health and safety concerns.
  • Business Centers and Offices: Maintaining productivity and security in spaces where cameras cannot be installed.
  • Shopping Centers: Reducing the risks of violence and smoking in public areas.

UAB Nano Sensorics: A Leader in Future Technologies

Vapeless 5G is the latest achievement by UAB Nano Sensorics, poised to revolutionize the market and contribute to creating a safer world. It is a perfect example of how technology can address real-world problems while meeting the highest security standards.

Invest in Safety with Vapeless 5G

For more information about Vapeless 5G and its capabilities, visit our website. Don’t wait—the future starts now!

About the Project

Project Objective:
The project, publicly announced on the EU investment website esinvesticijos.lt, aims to develop, test, and advance a highly accurate sensor for monitoring the low-intensity emissions of electronic cigarettes.

Project Description:
UAB Nano Sensorics (Company code: 305682967, Address: Elektrėnų g. 7, LT-51193 Kaunas) is conducting scientific research and experimental development in smart IoT sensors. The company’s products directly influence efficient energy resource utilization and CO2 emission reduction. These include sustainable construction industrial sensors based on advanced interfaces such as LoRaWAN and 5G.

The effects of electronic cigarettes on bystanders are uncertain and controversial, raising questions about societal health, youth perspectives on smoking, and the consequences of passive vaping. The ability to vape in areas where smoking is prohibited undermines the achievements of public health initiatives and could lead to an increase in smoking rates among youth and adults.

Through this project, we aim to develop an exceptionally precise sensor to monitor low-intensity electronic cigarette emissions. Using advanced algorithms, this sensor will detect various smoke consistencies and correlate them with intensity to enable broad-spectrum electronic cigarette detection.

Technical Specifications:

  • Parameters Measured: Vape indices, CO, CO2, VOC; Aggression level indices
  • Detection Range: Up to 3.5–4 meters
  • Integrated Algorithms: AI-based advanced computational algorithms
  • Communication Interfaces: 5G, LoRaWAN (EU, US, AU), NB-IoT optional
  • Power Supply: 5–12V DC; AA batteries for communication

Project Duration: Until 2024-12-31
Funding: Supported under the Ministry of Transport and Communications’ Development Program for 2022–2030.

Project Code: 08-006-K-0004


UAB “Nano sensorics” sukūrė, naujos kartos 5G didelio tikslumo elektroninių cigarečių išskiriamų dujų monitorinimo sensorių

by Povilas

5G sensorių progresas jau čia!

Modernių technologijų era atnešė daugybę inovacijų, bet kartu ir naujų iššūkių. Vaping’as, IQOS naudojimas ir rūkymas tapo ne tik sveikatos problema, bet ir iššūkiu, kai kalbama apie saugią aplinką mokyklose, biuruose ar viešose erdvėse.

UAB “Nano sensorics” ėmėsi iššūkio sukurti naujausios kartos sensorių, gebantį ne tik indentifikuoti visų tipų e-cigarečių rūkymą, iQOS vartojimą, bei klasikinių cigarečių rūkymą, tačiau šiam sensoriui suteikti galimybes detektuoti smurtą, bei agresiją pasinaudojant naujausia 5G, daiktų interneto ir pažangiųjų algoritmų technologiją.  Taip pat, kėlėme sau tikslą sukurti išskirtinai kibersaugų sensorių, kuris būtų pagamintas Vakarų šalyse ir užtikrintų naudotojų kibersaugumą šiais neramiais geopolitiniais laikais, kai trečiosios nedemokratiškos ir Vakarų civilizacijai nedraugiškos šalys kelia vis didesnę ir didesnę kibernetinę ir kitokią grėsmę.

Norime pranešti, kad UAB “Nano sensorics” pasiekė savo tikslą – sukūrėmė tokį sensorių (Vapeless 5G), kuris ne tik detektuoja Vaping’ą, IQOS naudojimą ar rūkymą su narkotikais, tačiau taip pat detektuoja agresiją, bei smurtą ir yra visiškai kibersaugus, turi automatinę kalibraciją, bei gaminamas Lietuvoje (Europos Sąjungoje).

Bendradarbiaujant su Europos Sąjunga ir dalyvaudami jų projekte mes sukūrėme šį sensorių ir poradėjome jo serijinę gamybą.

„Vapeless 5G“ yra naujos kartos kibernetiškai saugus 5G jutiklis, sukurtas aptikti bet kokį vapingą, IQOS naudojimą ar rūkymą. Tai ne tik paprasta detekcijos sistema – tai išmanusis sprendimas, kuris revoliucionuoja saugumą.

Kodėl „Vapeless 5G“ yra nepakeičiamas sprendimas?

1. Daugiau Nei Vapingas: Agresijos ir Smurto Aptikimas

Naujoji technologija eina dar toliau – „Vapeless 5G“ gali aptikti agresijos ir smurto veiksmus. Tai ypač aktualu mokyklose, viešbučiuose, transporto priemonėse ar bet kur kitur, kur saugumas yra prioritetas.

2. Automatinė Kalibracija

Pamirškite sudėtingą rankinį kalibravimą. „Vapeless 5G“ yra aprūpintas automatinės kalibracijos sistema, kuri užtikrina optimalią veiklą visomis sąlygomis.

3. 5G Ryšio Galia

Prietaisas veikia naudojant 5G ryšį, užtikrinant itin greitą duomenų perdavimą ir realaus laiko monitoringą. Tai yra nepakeičiama savybė, kai reikalingas momentinis reagavimas.

Kur Gali Būti Naudojamas „Vapeless 5G“?

  • Mokyklos ir universitetai: Saugios aplinkos užtikrinimas mokiniams ir studentams atliepiant saugumą jų sveikatai.
  • Verslo centrai ir biurai: Darbuotojų produktyvumo palaikymas be trikdžų, bei saugumo užtikrinimas erdvėse, kur negalima statyti kamerų.
  • Prekybos centrai:  Visur, kur norima sumažinti smurto ir rūkymo riziką.

UAB “Nano sensorics”: Ateities Technologijų Lyderė

„Vapeless 5G“ yra naujausias UAB “Nano sensorics” pasiekimas, kuris ne tik keis rinką, bet ir padės kurti saugesnį pasaulį. Tai puikus pavyzdys, kaip technologijos gali spręsti realias problemas ir tuo pačiu atitikti aukščiausius saugumo standartus.

Investuokite į Saugumą Su „Vapeless 5G“

Daugiau informacijos apie „Vapeless 5G“ ir jo galimybes galite rasti apsilankę mūsų svetainėje. Nedelskite – ateitis prasideda dabar!

Šio sensoriaus vystymas buvo vykdomas bendradarbiaujant su Europos Sąjunga ir dalyvaujant projekte. Daugiau apie projektą:

Projekto tikslas:

Projekto tikslas (skelbiama viešai ES investicijų interneto svetainėje esinvesticijos.lt)

Didelio tikslumo sensoriaus, skirto žemam elektroninių cigarečių išskiriamų dujų intensyvumui monitorinti, kūrimas, testavimas ir vystymas.

Projekto aprašas:

Projektą „Elektroninių cigarečių išskiriamų dujų monitorinimo sensoriaus kūrimas, testavimas ir vystymas“ vykdys UAB „Nano sensorics“ (juridinio asmens kodas: 305682967, adresas: Elektrėnų g. 7, LT-51193 Kaunas). UAB „Nano sensorics“ vykdo mokslinius tyrimus ir eksperimentinę plėtrą išmaniųjų daiktų interneto (IoT) jutiklių srityje. Įmonės gaminiai tiesiogiai įtakoja efektyvų energijos išteklių panaudojimą ir anglies dvideginio išmetimo mažinimą. Siūlomi tvarios statybos pramoniniai jutikliai, pagrįsti perspektyviomis sąsajomis, tokiomis kaip LoRaWAN, 5G.

Elektroninių cigarečių poveikis aplinkiniams yra abejotinas ir kontraversiškas. Dėl jų galimo poveikio visuomenėje kyla daug klausimų, susijusių su jaunimo požiūrio į rūkymą keitimusi bei pasyvaus garinimo pasekmėmis. Labai reikšmingas rūkymo įpročių formavimosi veiksnys – galimybė el. cigaretes garinti vietose, kur rūkymas uždraustas, taip rūkaliams sudaromos sąlygos garinti be apribojimų. Rūkymo apribojimai įteisinti siekiant sumažinti rūkymo paplitimą, o galimybė vartoti el. cigaretes neribotai iki tol pasiektus visuomenės sveikatos laimėjimus grąžina į ankstesnį lygį. Dėl to gali sumažėti sėkmingų bandymų mesti rūkyti, padaugėti tabako vartotojų tarp jaunimo ir suaugusiųjų bei metusieji rūkyti būtų paskatinti grįžti prie žalingų įpročių.

Projektu siekiame sukurti ypač tikslų elektroninių cigarečių išskiriamų dujų monitorinimo sensorių esant mažam garų intensyvumui. Šis daviklis pažangiais algoritmais detektuos įvairias elektroninių cigarečių dūmų konsistencijas, taip pat bus susietas detektuojamų elektroninių cigarečių dujų konsistencijos koreliacijos, kad būtų nustatytas plataus intensyvumo ruožo elektroninių cigarečių dūmų detektavimo intensyvumas.


Pažangiojo sensoriaus pagrindiniai techniniai parametrai:

Matavimo parametrai: Vape indeksai, CO, CO2, VOC; Agresijos lygmens indeksai;

Matavimo diametras: iki 3,5-4 m;

Integruotieji pažangūs skaičiavimo algoritmai ( intellectual algorithms -AI);

Ryšio sąsajos: 5G, LoRaWAN EU, US, AU, opcija NB-IoT;

Maitinimas: l5-12VDC, AA baterijos ryšio komunikacijai užtikrinti.


Projektas vykdomas iki 2024.12.31

Projektas finansuojamas pagal:


Projekto kodas: Projekto kodas 08-006-K-0004


NIS2 Directive: A New Level of Cybersecurity for EU

by Povilas

The NIS2 Directive is a European Union law aimed at improving the existing level of cybersecurity across the EU. This law defines the scope, requirements, and penalties to ensure that organizations are better prepared and protected against cyberattacks.

Why is the NIS2 Directive important for EU?

  • Increased cybersecurity: NIS2 Directive sets stricter requirements for cybersecurity management, incident reporting, and response. This will help protect EU organizations from cyberattacks that can have serious consequences.
  • Harmonized cybersecurity across the EU: NIS2 Directive ensures that all EU member states have the same cybersecurity standards. This will help better coordinate cybersecurity efforts and protect the EU as a whole.
  • Stimulates cybersecurity investments: NIS2 Directive encourages institutions and organizations to invest in cybersecurity measures and services.

What fines and sanctions for non-compliance?

  • Fines for non-compliance will be much more severe. Organizations that fail to comply with NIS2 requirements may face fines of up to €10 million or 2% of their annual global turnover, whichever is greater.

Who has to comply with the NIS2 Directive in EU?

The NIS2 Directive applies to various organizations, including:

  • Essential service providers: Organizations providing essential services such as public administration, education, healthcare, energy, transport, banking, and electronic communications.
  • Important service providers: Organizations providing important services such as water, sewerage, waste management, and social services.
  • Large enterprises operating in certain sectors: Enterprises with more than 250 employees and an annual turnover exceeding 50 million euros.

What are the requirements of the NIS2 Directive?

NIS2 Directive sets various requirements, including:

  • Cybersecurity management: Organizations must implement appropriate cybersecurity management measures, including risk assessment, incident response plans, and employee training.
  • Incident reporting: Organizations must report cyber incidents to the relevant government authorities.
  • Incident response: Organizations must have plans in place to respond to and manage cyber incidents.
  • Cooperation with other organizations: Organizations must cooperate with other organizations to share information about cyber incidents and best cybersecurity practices and use cybersecure equipment, compionents and devices in their infrastructure.

How can “Nanosensorics” help you comply with the NIS2 Directive?

  • Nanosensorics is a trusted partner for organizations seeking to comply with the NIS2 Directive. The company offers a range of IoT solutions that are designed to meet the highest security standards, are manufactured in Lithuania (EU), and they are ready to assist clients in assessing and improving their cybersecurity posture.



Unboxing the Future of Smoke Detection: Vapeless Sensor Revealed!

by Povilas

It’s time to revolutionize your indoor air quality with the Vapeless Sensor! To give you a sneak peek into this groundbreaking device, we’ve created an unboxing video that will leave you amazed.

Get ready to be impressed! Our unboxing video will take you on an exciting journey as we unveil the Vapeless Sensor in all its glory. You’ll discover:

  • Sleek and modern design: See how the Vapeless Sensor effortlessly blends into any environment.
  • Cutting-edge technology: Learn about the advanced features that make this sensor a game-changer.
  • Easy installation: Witness firsthand how simple it is to set up the Vapeless Sensor.
  • Real-time monitoring: Discover the benefits of having instant access to air quality data.

We’ve packed the video with informative details and stunning visuals to give you a comprehensive understanding of the Vapeless Sensor. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a health-conscious individual, or simply looking for a better way to protect your indoor air, this unboxing video is a must-watch.

Stay tuned for the release of our Vapeless Sensor unboxing video! We can’t wait to share this incredible product with you:

In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or can’t wait to see the unboxing video. We’re excited to hear your thoughts!


“AMPSENSE” sensor is the key for energy effectivness and visability

by Povilas

In today’s world, energy efficiency is paramount. Understanding your electricity consumption patterns is crucial for optimizing costs and reducing environmental impact. This is where Nanosensorics’ Ampsense comes in.

Ampsense is a cutting-edge indoor sensor designed to provide comprehensive insights into electric current magnitude. Unlike traditional methods, Ampsense employs non-invasive split core current transformers, making installation hassle-free.

How Does Ampsense Work?

By accurately measuring electric current, Ampsense provides a detailed picture of your electric current magnitude trends. This data can be leveraged to:

  • Identify energy-intensive areas: Pinpoint areas within your facility that consume the most electricity, allowing you to focus your energy-saving efforts effectively.
  • Optimize equipment performance: Monitor the electrical load on your equipment to identify potential issues and prevent costly breakdowns.
  • Predict energy consumption: Analyze historical data to forecast future energy needs, enabling you to optimize your energy procurement and budgeting.
  • Reduce operational costs: By identifying areas for energy savings, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills.
  • Contribute to sustainability: Understanding your energy consumption is a crucial step towards reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Be ahead: Have predictive preventive maintenance of your asset with our “Ampsense”.

Who Can Benefit from Ampsense?

Ampsense is a versatile solution applicable to a wide range of industries and facilities, including:

  • Commercial buildings: Optimize energy consumption in offices, retail spaces, and other commercial establishments.
  • Public buildings: Enhance energy efficiency in schools, hospitals, and government buildings.
  • Warehouses: Monitor energy usage in storage and distribution centers.
  • Logistic facilities: Optimize energy consumption in transportation and logistics operations.
  • Industrial facilities: Improve energy efficiency in manufacturing and production processes.

By harnessing the power of Ampsense, you can unlock valuable insights into your energy consumption and take proactive steps to achieve a more sustainable and cost-effective operation.

Would you like to know more about specific use cases or how to integrate Ampsense into your facility?

Contact us today to learn how we can help you optimize your energy management!


Revolutionary Vapeless Sensor: Detects All Types of Smoking Devices, Vapes, iQOS, THC’s and Cigarettes

by Povilas

Are you concerned about the health risks of secondhand vaping or smoking? Nanosensorics’ cutting-edge vapeless sensor is here to help! This innovative device effectively detects any type of vaping device, e-cigarette, iQOS, and even classic cigarettes.

Here’s what makes our vapeless sensor unique:

  • Unmatched Detection: Our sensor utilizes advanced laser technology to identify even the most discreet vaping devices, iQOS and standard cigarettes.
  • Enhanced Safety: Breathe easy knowing you’re protected from harmful secondhand smoke and vapors.
  • Diverse Applications: Ideal for workplaces, schools, and public spaces seeking a smoke-free environment.

Protect yourself and others from the dangers of secondhand smoke. Learn more about our vapeless sensor today!

#vaping #secondhandsmoke #indoorairquality #health #technology #nanosensorics #iQOS #e-cigarette #Electroniccigarette #THC



by Povilas

Keeping Schools Smoke-Free and Secure: Why Nanosensorics Prioritizes Cybersecurity in Vaping Sensors

Vaping in schools is a growing concern, and many institutions are exploring vape sensor technology to combat it. While these sensors can be a powerful tool for detection and deterrence, there’s a crucial factor often overlooked: cybersecurity. Unsecured sensors pose significant risks that could undermine their effectiveness and expose sensitive data.

Why Cybersecurity Matters for Vaping Sensors:

  • Protecting Student Privacy: Sensor data can include location information and timestamps of vaping incidents. If not secured, this data could be breached, revealing student identities and potentially leading to disciplinary action or bullying.

  • Preventing Tampering: Unsecured sensors are vulnerable to tampering by individuals who want to disable them or manipulate the data they collect. This would render the sensors useless and hinder anti-vaping efforts.

  • Maintaining System Integrity: A cyberattack on vaping sensors could disrupt the entire system, impacting other security measures in the school.

Nanosensorics: Security as Our Top Priority

At Nanosensorics, we understand the importance of cybersecurity in educational settings. That’s why we design our vaping sensors with robust security features from the ground up:

  • Unbreakable Encryption: All data collected by our sensors is encrypted at rest and in transit, making it unreadable to unauthorized users even if intercepted.

  • Secure Communication: We utilize secure communication protocols to ensure data travels safely between sensors and the central system, eliminating opportunities for eavesdropping.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Access to sensor data is restricted to authorized personnel only, with multi-factor authentication adding an extra layer of security.

  • Transparency by Design: We prioritize clear communication about data collection and storage practices. Our comprehensive privacy policy outlines exactly how data is used and protected.

Nanosensorics: The Secure Choice for Vape Detection

By choosing Nanosensorics, schools can gain a powerful tool for curbing vaping while safeguarding student privacy and system integrity. Our commitment to cybersecurity ensures your investment protects both your students and your school’s technology infrastructure. Contact NanoSensors today to learn more about how our secure vaping sensor solutions can help create a healthier and safer learning environment.