Posts Tagged "#VapelessIoTSensor"


Nano Sensorics pristato Vapeless jutiklį: sprendimas kovai su e-cigaretėmis keltuose naudojant 5G ir LoRaWAN technologijas

by Povilas

2024 m. birželį TechEx North America parodoje Nano Sensorics pristatė savo naujausią išradimą – Vapeless IoT jutiklį, skirtą elektroninių cigarečių dūmų aptikimui. Šis pažangus jutiklis, pasitelkdamas naujausias IoT ir nanotechnologijas, yra specialiai sukurtas greitam ir tiksliam elektroninių cigarečių aptikimui, įskaitant žemo intensyvumo dūmus, kas ypač aktualu viešajam transportui, įskaitant keltus​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.

Privalumai ir funkcijos:

  1. Išmanus aptikimas: Vapeless jutiklis naudoja pažangias modelių atpažinimo technologijas, leidžiančias aptikti įvairius e-cigaretėmis išskiriamus dūmų mišinius su aukštu tikslumu ir mažu klaidingų pavojaus signalų kiekiu​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.
  2. Realiojo laiko stebėjimas: Šis jutiklis suteikia galimybę realiu laiku analizuoti duomenis ir greitai reaguoti į vaping incidentus, taip užtikrinant greitą ir efektyvų problemų sprendimą​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.
  3. Integracija su esamomis sistemomis: Vapeless jutiklis lengvai integruojasi su esamomis saugumo ir stebėjimo sistemomis, taip užtikrinant visapusišką sprendimą, skirtą palaikyti vape-free zonas​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.
  4. Naudojimas transporto srityje: Keltuose, kur rūkyti ir naudoti e-cigaretėmis draudžiama, Vapeless jutiklis gali reikšmingai sumažinti e-cigaretėmis naudojimo atvejus ir padėti laikytis taisyklių, sukuriant saugią ir sveiką aplinką keleiviams. Integruotas su 5G ir LoRaWAN technologijomis, jutiklis užtikrina patikimą ryšį ir duomenų perdavimą net ir sudėtingose sąlygose​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.
  5. Patvarumas ir saugumas: Jutiklis yra sukurtas su sustiprintu mechaniniu korpusu, kibernetiniu saugumu ir ilgaamžiškumu, užtikrinant nepertraukiamą veikimą ilgiau nei 10 metų pagal pagreitintus senėjimo testus​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.

Nano Sensorics Vapeless jutiklis – tai ne tik technologinis pasiekimas, bet ir svarbus indėlis į visuomenės sveikatos ir saugumo stiprinimą, suteikiantis efektyvų sprendimą kovojant su e-cigaretėmis tiek mokyklose, tiek viešajame transporte.

Daugiau informacijos galite rasti Nano Sensorics svetainėje: Nano Sensorics (www.nanosensorics.com)​​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​​ (www.nanosensorics.com)​.


Nano Sensorics Unveils Revolutionary Vapeless IoT Sensor for E-Vaping Detection at TechEx North America 2024

by Povilas

San Francisco, CA – June 2024 – Nano Sensorics, a leader in advanced sensor technology, proudly showcased its latest innovation, the Vapeless IoT Sensor, at the prestigious TechEx North America 2024 exhibition. This cutting-edge sensor, designed specifically for electronic vaping detection, is set to revolutionize the way schools and other institutions protect their environments from the dangers of e-vaping.

Held at the bustling San Francisco Convention Center, TechEx North America is a premier event that draws technology innovators and industry leaders from around the globe. Nano Sensorics seized this opportunity to introduce the Vapeless IoT Sensor to a wide audience, emphasizing its potential to create safer, vape-free environments, particularly in educational settings.

A New Era in E-Vaping Detection

The Vapeless IoT Sensor represents a significant advancement in the fight against e-vaping in schools. Unlike traditional sensors, the Vapeless IoT Sensor utilizes advanced IoT, pattern recognition technology  to detect the presence of electronic vaping devices with unprecedented accuracy including low intensity e-vaping. This innovative approach ensures that schools can monitor and address vaping incidents promptly, maintaining a healthy and safe environment for students.

Highlights of the Vapeless IoT Sensor

  • Advanced Detection Technology: Leveraging nanotechnology, the sensor offers high sensitivity and specificity in detecting e-vaping, reducing false positives and ensuring reliable monitoring.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: The sensor provides real-time data analytics, allowing school administrators to respond swiftly to vaping incidents.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed to integrate effortlessly with existing security and monitoring systems, the Vapeless IoT Sensor offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining vape-free zones.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The sensor comes with an intuitive interface, making it easy for school staff to use and interpret the data collected.

Positive Reception at TechEx North America

Nano Sensorics’ booth was a highlight of the exhibition, drawing significant attention from attendees eager to see the Vapeless IoT Sensor in action. Live demonstrations illustrated the sensor’s effectiveness in detecting e-vaping devices, showcasing its potential to enhance school safety protocols.

The event also facilitated numerous discussions with potential partners and stakeholders, all of whom expressed strong interest in the Vapeless IoT Sensor’s capabilities. This overwhelming response underscores the growing concern over e-vaping in schools and the demand for effective solutions.

Commitment to a Vape-Free Future

Dr. Povilas Norkevicius, CEO of Nano Sensorics, delivers a keynote highlighting the company’s dedication to innovation and safety. “The introduction of the Vapeless IoT Sensor is a testament to our commitment to creating technologies that address real-world problems. E-vaping in schools is a serious issue, and we are proud to offer a solution that helps protect our children and ensure their well-being.”

Looking Ahead

As Nano Sensorics continues to innovate, the company remains focused on developing solutions that meet the needs of their partners and clients. The Vapeless IoT Sensor is a prime example of how advanced technology can be harnessed to create safer, healthier environments.

For more information about Nano Sensorics and the Vapeless IoT Sensor, visit www.nanosensorics.com and follow our updates on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.