Nanosensorics products in GITEX trade fair!


Nanosensorics products in GITEX trade fair!

by Povilas

🌟 Big News from GITEX Global in Dubai! 🌟

Nanosensorics proudly showcased our groundbreaking devices at the GITEX Global Trade Fair in Dubai, UAE! 🎉

Our innovative solutions are shaping the future of environmental and industrial monitoring, helping industries stay smarter, safer and greener:

  • Vapless: Leading the way in precise detection of vaping, smoking and using iQOS, ensuring better control and sustainability in critical environments, like schools, hotels or shopping malls.
  • Vocless: Transforming air quality monitoring with advanced VOC detection for safer urban and industrial spaces.
  • Ampsense: Revolutionizing energy management with real-time current sensing, optimizing energy consumption for efficiency.
  • Carbonless: Pioneering CO2 detection to support sustainable practices and lhelthier environment.

We are excited to contribute to the global conversation on IoT, sustainability, and smart technologies at GITEX. 🌍✨

Learn more about how we’re driving innovation and sustainability: Nanosensorics.com

#GITEX #Nanosensorics #Innovation #IoT #Vapless #Vocless #Ampsense #Carbonless #Sustainability #TechForGood #SmartSolutions #EnvironmentalTech #Dubai


Our devices in Dubai’s Cracking IoT Conference!

by Povilas

🌟 Exciting News from the Cracking IoT Conference! 🌟

Nanosensorics was thrilled to showcase our innovative devices, Vapeless and Vocless, on the Wall of Innovations at the Cracking IoT Conference!

These cutting-edge devices are setting new standards in environmental monitoring:

  • Vapeless: Revolutionizes safety by providing precise detection of vaping, smoking and using iQOS, ensuring better control and sustainability in critical environments, like schools, hotels or shopping malls.
  • Vocless: Elevates air quality monitoring by detecting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), making industrial and urban areas safer and healthier.

Our goal is to empower industries with smarter, more efficient solutions that contribute to a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future. 🌍🌱

We’re proud to be part of a community driving innovation in IoT and can’t wait to see how our technologies continue to make an impact!

Learn more about our groundbreaking work here: Nanosensorics.com

#Nanosensorics #IoT #Innovation #Vapeless #Vocless #CrackingIoT #EnvironmentalTech #SmartSolutions #Sustainability #TechForGood


Lietuvos mokyklos ruošiasi TIS2 direktyvai

by Povilas

TIS2 direktyva, siekdama apsaugoti ES piliečius nuo neteisėtos jų informacijos nutekinimo ir panaudojimo reikalauja stiprinti kibernetinį saugumą visose institucijose ir įmonėse. Lietuvos mokyklos, įgyvendindamos šią direktyvą, privalo ypač atidžiai rūpintis savo duomenų apsauga.

Kibernetinis saugumas yra nepaprastai svarbus mokykloms, nes jos valdo daug jautrios informacijos, tokios kaip mokinių asmeniniai duomenys, mokytojų kontaktinė informacija ir finansinė informacija. Ši informacija gali būti naudojama įvairiems neteisėtiems tikslams, jei ji pateks į netinkamas rankas.

Lietuvos mokyklos jau pradeda pasiruošimą naujosios direktyvos įsigaliojimui ir aktyviai investuoja ir didina savo kibersaugumą.

Norėdamos apsaugoti savo duomenis, Lietuvos mokyklos privalo naudoti tik kibernetiškai saugią įrangą. Tai apima tokius veiksmus kaip:

  • Diegtis į mokyklas tik Vakarietiškas, saugiai pagamintas ir kibersaugumą užtikrinančias technologijas: jutiklius, detektorius, tinklų šakotuvos ir tinklų maršrutizatorius
  • Įdiegti ugniasienę, kad apsaugotų nuo nepageidaujamų prieigų.
  • Reguliariai atnaujinti operacinę sistemą ir komunikuojančią tinklo ir ne tinklo įrangą.
  • Šviesti mokytojus ir mokinius apie kibernetinio saugumo gerąsias praktikas ir informuoti apie grėsmes.
  • Sukurti atsarginę duomenų kopiją, kad būtų galima atkurti duomenis, jei jie bus prarasti ar pažeisti.
  • Nenaudoti savo infrastruktūrojo trečiųjų nedraugiškų Lietuvai šalių rėžimų pagamintos įrangos.

Be to, mokyklos turėtų bendradarbiauti su kibernetinio saugumo ekspertais, kad gautų patarimų ir pagalbos. Tai gali apimti dalyvavimą mokymuose, konsultacijas ir auditus.

Kibernetinis saugumas yra ne tik reikalavimas, bet ir atsakomybė.

Lietuvos mokyklos turėtų imtis visų būtinų veiksmų, kad apsaugotų savo duomenis ir užtikrintų, jog jų mokiniai ir darbuotojai gali mokytis ir dirbti saugioje aplinkoje, ypač esant šiuolaikinėms saugumo grėsmėms ir geopolitinei situacijai.


Breathe Easy with CARBONLESS!

by Povilas

Did you know that high CO2 levels can drastically reduce cognitive performance, decision-making, and strategic thinking? In fact, working in a room with over 2500ppm of CO2 can make critical thinking nearly impossible!

Introducing CARBONLESS—our cutting-edge indoor sensor that monitors CO2, temperature, and humidity, using advanced AI algorithms to ensure optimal environmental conditions.

🔹 Key Features:

– LoRaWAN communication for seamless data transmission

– Over-the-air configuration and auto self-calibration

– 10-year battery life and a modern, robust design

– Real-time alerts to optimize HVAC systems, improve productivity, and reduce carbon footprints.

Let’s create healthier, more efficient spaces. 🌱 hashtag

#IoT #SmartBuildings #CO2Monitoring #GreenTech #LoRaWAN #EnergyEfficiency #AI


Vapeless LoRawan sensor from Lithuania in the TTN conference

by Povilas

We at Nano Sensorics are thrilled to introduce our revolutionary Vapeless Sensor, a breakthrough technology designed to enhance public safety by detecting and preventing electronic vaping and the use of harmful substances such as THC, opioids, and fentanyl, as well as conventional cigarettes. This September, we are proud to showcase this cutting-edge solution at the highly anticipated #TTNConference.

About the Vapeless Sensor:

The Vapeless Sensor is a state-of-the-art device that leverages advanced driven pattern recognition to detect even the faintest traces of e-vaping. Unlike traditional sensors, which often struggle with low-intensity vaping or miss the presence of narcotics in vaping mixtures, the Vapeless Sensor excels in identifying a wide range of substances with unparalleled precision.

This innovative sensor is tailored for deployment in various environments where maintaining a clean and safe atmosphere is paramount:

  • Educational Institutions: Protect students by preventing vaping on school premises.
  • Hospitality Industry: Ensure a comfortable and healthy stay for guests in hotels.
  • Transportation Hubs: Safeguard passengers and workers in airports, bus terminals, and train stations.

Key Features:

  • Unmatched Detection Accuracy: Utilizes driven pattern recognition to detect low-intensity e-vaping, making it the most reliable sensor in its class.
  • LoRaWAN® and 5G Connectivity: Equipped with advanced connectivity options, the Vapeless Sensor ensures seamless integration with existing IoT frameworks.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Immediate notifications are sent to designated personnel, enabling swift action to prevent vaping and the spread of harmful substances.
  • Versatile Applications: Ideal for schools, hotels, public spaces, and transportation, ensuring a wide range of safety measures are covered.

Why Vapeless Matters:

The dangers of vaping, especially when mixed with narcotics, cannot be overstated. As the first line of defense, the Vapeless Sensor is pivotal in creating vape-free zones, promoting health, and preventing addiction. By implementing this technology, institutions and public spaces can significantly reduce the risks associated with vaping and narcotic use, contributing to safer, healthier communities.

Join Us at TTN Conference 2024:

We invite you to visit our booth at the TTN Conference 2024 this September to experience the Vapeless Sensor firsthand. Our team will be on hand to demonstrate how this technology can revolutionize safety in your environment, answer any questions, and discuss how you can integrate the Vapeless Sensor into your security infrastructure.

Nano Sensorics is committed to advancing public safety through innovative sensor technology. We believe that the Vapeless Sensor is a game-changer in the fight against vaping and narcotic use, and we are excited to share this groundbreaking solution with the world.

For more information, visit our website at Nano Sensorics and learn more about how our sensors are making the world a safer place.

#NanoSensorics #VapelessSensor #Innovation #IoT #SmartSensors #TechForGood #TTN2024 #PublicSafety #E-VapingDetection #VapeFreeSpaces


NIS2 Directive: A New Level of Cybersecurity for EU

by Povilas

The NIS2 Directive is a European Union law aimed at improving the existing level of cybersecurity across the EU. This law defines the scope, requirements, and penalties to ensure that organizations are better prepared and protected against cyberattacks.

Why is the NIS2 Directive important for EU?

  • Increased cybersecurity: NIS2 Directive sets stricter requirements for cybersecurity management, incident reporting, and response. This will help protect EU organizations from cyberattacks that can have serious consequences.
  • Harmonized cybersecurity across the EU: NIS2 Directive ensures that all EU member states have the same cybersecurity standards. This will help better coordinate cybersecurity efforts and protect the EU as a whole.
  • Stimulates cybersecurity investments: NIS2 Directive encourages institutions and organizations to invest in cybersecurity measures and services.

What fines and sanctions for non-compliance?

  • Fines for non-compliance will be much more severe. Organizations that fail to comply with NIS2 requirements may face fines of up to €10 million or 2% of their annual global turnover, whichever is greater.

Who has to comply with the NIS2 Directive in EU?

The NIS2 Directive applies to various organizations, including:

  • Essential service providers: Organizations providing essential services such as public administration, education, healthcare, energy, transport, banking, and electronic communications.
  • Important service providers: Organizations providing important services such as water, sewerage, waste management, and social services.
  • Large enterprises operating in certain sectors: Enterprises with more than 250 employees and an annual turnover exceeding 50 million euros.

What are the requirements of the NIS2 Directive?

NIS2 Directive sets various requirements, including:

  • Cybersecurity management: Organizations must implement appropriate cybersecurity management measures, including risk assessment, incident response plans, and employee training.
  • Incident reporting: Organizations must report cyber incidents to the relevant government authorities.
  • Incident response: Organizations must have plans in place to respond to and manage cyber incidents.
  • Cooperation with other organizations: Organizations must cooperate with other organizations to share information about cyber incidents and best cybersecurity practices and use cybersecure equipment, compionents and devices in their infrastructure.

How can “Nanosensorics” help you comply with the NIS2 Directive?

  • Nanosensorics is a trusted partner for organizations seeking to comply with the NIS2 Directive. The company offers a range of IoT solutions that are designed to meet the highest security standards, are manufactured in Lithuania (EU), and they are ready to assist clients in assessing and improving their cybersecurity posture.



NIS2 (TIS2) Direktyva: Naujas Kibernetinio Saugumo Lygis Lietuvoje

by Povilas

NIS2 (TIS2) direktyva yra Europos Sąjungos įstatymas, skirtas pagerinti esamą kibernetinio saugumo lygį visoje ES. Šis įstatymas apibrėžia taikymo sritį, reikalavimus ir sankcijas, siekiant užtikrinti, kad institucijos ir organizacijos būtų geriau pasirengusios ir apsaugotos nuo kibernetinių atakų.

Kodėl NIS2 (TIS2) direktyva yra svarbi Lietuvai?

  • Padidintas kibernetinis saugumas: NIS2 (TIS2) direktyva nustato griežtesnius reikalavimus kibernetinio saugumo valdymui, incidentų pranešimui ir atsako į incidentus. Tai padės apsaugoti Lietuvos institucijas ir organizacijas nuo kibernetinių atakų, kurios gali turėti rimtų pasekmių valstybinei ir komercinei infrastruktūrai.
  • Suderintas kibernetinis saugumas visoje ES: NIS2 (TIS2) direktyva užtikrina, kad visos ES valstybės narės turės vienodus kibernetinio saugumo standartus. Tai padės geriau koordinuoti kibernetinio saugumo pastangas ir apsaugoti ES kaip visumą.
  • Skatina kibernetinio saugumo investicijas: NIS2 (TIS2) direktyva skatina organizacijas investuoti į kibernetinio saugumo priemones ir paslaugas. Taip pat naudoti tik patikimą, kibersaugią infrastruktūrą, prietaisus ir komponentus, pagamintus ir funkcionuojančius pagal aukščiausius ES kiberstandartus ir užtikrinančius duomenų saugumą ir duomenų nenutekėjimą trečiosioms šalims.

Kokios numatytos sankcijos ir baudos už NIS2 (TIS2) direktyvos nesilaikymą?

Baudos už reikalavimų nesilaikymą bus daug griežtesnės. Institucijoms ir organizacijoms, nesilaikančioms NIS2 reikalavimų, gali būti skirtos baudos iki 10 mln. EUR arba 2 % jų metinės pasaulinės apyvartos, atsižvelgiant į tai, kuri suma didesnė.

Kas turi laikytis NIS2 (TIS2) direktyvos Lietuvoje?

NIS2 direktyva taikoma įvairioms organizacijoms, įskaitant:

  • Esminės paslaugos teikėjai: Organizacijos, teikiančios esminės paslaugas, tokias kaip švietimas ir viešas administravimas, sveikatos priežiūra, energetika, transportas, bankininkystė ir elektroninės komunikacijos.
  • Svarbios paslaugos teikėjai: Organizacijos, teikiančios svarbias paslaugas, tokias kaip vanduo, kanalizacija, atliekų tvarkymas ir socialinės paslaugos.
  • Įmonės, veikiančios tam tikrose sektoriuose: Įmonės, turinčios daugiau nei 250 darbuotojų ir metinę apyvartą viršijančią 50 milijonų eurų.

Kokie yra NIS2 (TIS2) direktyvos reikalavimai?

NIS2 (TIS2) direktyva nustato įvairius reikalavimus, įskaitant:

  • Kibernetinio saugumo valdymas: Organizacijos turi įdiegti tinkamas kibernetinio saugumo valdymo priemones, įskaitant rizikos vertinimą, incidentų reagavimo planus ir darbuotojų mokymus.
  • Incidentų pranešimas: Organizacijos turi pranešti apie kibernetinius incidentus atitinkamoms valdžios institucijoms.
  • Atsakas į incidentus: Organizacijos turi turėti planus, kaip reaguoti į kibernetinius incidentus ir juos valdyti.
  • Bendradarbiavimas su kitomis organizacijomis: Organizacijos turi bendradarbiauti su kitomis organizacijomis, kad būtų galima dalintis informacija apie kibernetinius incidentus ir geriausiais kibernetinio saugumo praktikais.

Kaip “Nanosensorics” gali padėti jums atitikti NIS2 (TIS2) direktyvą?

“Nanosensorics” yra pirmaujanti daiktų interneto sprendimų ir sensorių diegėja ir gamintoja. Vis mūsų sprendimai ir produktai yra pagaminti Lietuvoje ir atitinka visus aukščiausius ES kibernetinio saugumo standartus.

Nesate tikri ar turite savo institucijoje ar organizacijoje kibersaugią įrangą ar IoT produktus, kreipkitės, padėsime!


Unboxing the Future of Smoke Detection: Vapeless Sensor Revealed!

by Povilas

It’s time to revolutionize your indoor air quality with the Vapeless Sensor! To give you a sneak peek into this groundbreaking device, we’ve created an unboxing video that will leave you amazed.

Get ready to be impressed! Our unboxing video will take you on an exciting journey as we unveil the Vapeless Sensor in all its glory. You’ll discover:

  • Sleek and modern design: See how the Vapeless Sensor effortlessly blends into any environment.
  • Cutting-edge technology: Learn about the advanced features that make this sensor a game-changer.
  • Easy installation: Witness firsthand how simple it is to set up the Vapeless Sensor.
  • Real-time monitoring: Discover the benefits of having instant access to air quality data.

We’ve packed the video with informative details and stunning visuals to give you a comprehensive understanding of the Vapeless Sensor. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a health-conscious individual, or simply looking for a better way to protect your indoor air, this unboxing video is a must-watch.

Stay tuned for the release of our Vapeless Sensor unboxing video! We can’t wait to share this incredible product with you:

In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or can’t wait to see the unboxing video. We’re excited to hear your thoughts!


“AMPSENSE” sensor is the key for energy effectivness and visability

by Povilas

In today’s world, energy efficiency is paramount. Understanding your electricity consumption patterns is crucial for optimizing costs and reducing environmental impact. This is where Nanosensorics’ Ampsense comes in.

Ampsense is a cutting-edge indoor sensor designed to provide comprehensive insights into electric current magnitude. Unlike traditional methods, Ampsense employs non-invasive split core current transformers, making installation hassle-free.

How Does Ampsense Work?

By accurately measuring electric current, Ampsense provides a detailed picture of your electric current magnitude trends. This data can be leveraged to:

  • Identify energy-intensive areas: Pinpoint areas within your facility that consume the most electricity, allowing you to focus your energy-saving efforts effectively.
  • Optimize equipment performance: Monitor the electrical load on your equipment to identify potential issues and prevent costly breakdowns.
  • Predict energy consumption: Analyze historical data to forecast future energy needs, enabling you to optimize your energy procurement and budgeting.
  • Reduce operational costs: By identifying areas for energy savings, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills.
  • Contribute to sustainability: Understanding your energy consumption is a crucial step towards reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Be ahead: Have predictive preventive maintenance of your asset with our “Ampsense”.

Who Can Benefit from Ampsense?

Ampsense is a versatile solution applicable to a wide range of industries and facilities, including:

  • Commercial buildings: Optimize energy consumption in offices, retail spaces, and other commercial establishments.
  • Public buildings: Enhance energy efficiency in schools, hospitals, and government buildings.
  • Warehouses: Monitor energy usage in storage and distribution centers.
  • Logistic facilities: Optimize energy consumption in transportation and logistics operations.
  • Industrial facilities: Improve energy efficiency in manufacturing and production processes.

By harnessing the power of Ampsense, you can unlock valuable insights into your energy consumption and take proactive steps to achieve a more sustainable and cost-effective operation.

Would you like to know more about specific use cases or how to integrate Ampsense into your facility?

Contact us today to learn how we can help you optimize your energy management!


Revoliucinis Vapeless detektorius / sensorius: aptinka visų tipų rūkymo prietaisus, Veipus, iQOS, THC ir klasikines cigaretes

by Povilas

“Nanosensorics” naujos kartos “vapeless” jutiklis yra novatoriškas įrenginys efektyviai aptinkantis bet kokio tipo Veipinimo įrenginius, elektronines cigaretes, iQOS’us, kaininamąjį tabaką, marihuaną (THC) ir net klasikines cigaretes.

Štai kas išskiria mūsų “vapeless” jutiklį:

  • Neprilygstamai aptikimas: Mūsų jutiklis naudoja pažangią technologiją, kad identifikuotų net pačius paslėpčiausius garinimo įrenginius.
  • Padidintas saugumas: Ramiai kvėpuokite žinodami, kad esate apsaugoti nuo kenksmingo pasyvaus ir aktyvaus rūkymo ir garų.
  • Įvairiapusis pritaikymas: Idealus darbo vietoms, mokykloms ir viešosioms erdvėms, siekiančioms ne rūkymo aplinkos.

Apsaugokite save ir kitus nuo pasyvaus rūkymo pavojų. Sužinokite daugiau apie mūsų “vapeless” jutiklį šiandien!

#vaping #secondhandsmoke #indoorairquality #health #technology #nanosensorics #iQOS #e-cigarette #Electroniccigarette # THC